The Residency will to bring together MESEC members from all of our events and researchers highly interested in the field of consciousness science to a refreshing (and heaven-like) location to remotely work together. You can come to do whatever suits you: collaboration with other MESEC members, working on your own projects, writing sessions, reflection time, or anything else you could think of.

There is no hard program, you can come at the dates that fit best your own schedule. You can work on whatever pleases you, at the time that pleases you and with whoever pleases you (as long as it pleases them as well). As it is a much more organic event, we’ll cook together and eat meals (and apéro) together in front of the beautiful corsican landscapes. We’ll organize some lab meetings, grouped working sessions, specific tutorials on scientific writing and data-visualisation and week-end excursions (everything will be announced later). Nothing is mandatory, the idea being once again that you take advantage of this time and the people around you as you think is best.

A few words about the location: it’s a bunch of private houses, at the top of a hill with a stunning view of the corsican sea and mountains. The beach is ten minutes away and a natural parc with hiking trails is accessible from the backyard. Do note however that the location is fairly isolated (a 30 minutes drive from the closest grocery store). The event is mainly directed to our alumni, but if you are excited of being part of our thrilling community, a few spots might open for external applications.

  • Campomoro, Corsica

  • From October 19th to November 3rd, 2024

  • A limited amount of bursaries will be available to participants who wouldn't be able to attend otherwise, covering part or all of the fees

  • 16 participants

  • Application deadline : July 7th 2023


Ulysse Klatzmann

Université Paris Cité/ University of Oxford

Karla Matić

Max Planck School of Cognition

Rony Hirschhorn

Tel Aviv University

Camilo Miguel Signorelli

University of Oxford

Hadrien Titeux

LSCP, École Normale Supérieure

Sebastian Dohnany

King's College London

With the support of

Templeton World Charity Foundation